Now Reading: Opening of the Second Vatican Council


Opening of the Second Vatican Council

October 11, 20233 min read


One of the most significant events that commenced on October 11, 1962, was the opening of the Second Vatican Council, also known as Vatican II, in Vatican City. This ecumenical council, convoked by Pope John XXIII, caused a tremendous shift in the Catholic Church’s stance on diverse aspects, including its interaction with the world and the way religious services were conducted. The council was a crucial turning point in Catholic history and holds extensive relevance even today.

The Event

Vatican II was a response to the rapid changes of the modern world and the Church’s role and relevance in this new frame of reality. Over 2,500 bishops and observers from around the globe congregated to deliberate on Church beliefs, disciplinary matters, and her relationships with the contemporary world.

The council introduced several groundbreaking changes, like shifting from Latin to local languages in Mass, promoting active participation of the laity, emphasizing on the Church’s call to holiness for all members, and fostering better relationships with non-Catholic Christians and non-Christians. Vatican II’s spirit of modernity and open-mindedness was encapsulated in Pope John XXIII’s aspiration to “open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in.”

Fun Facts for Kids

1. Vatican II was the biggest meeting of Catholic leaders ever held. They came from all over the world.

2. During the council, Bishops and Church leaders stayed in residences throughout Rome and traveled to the Vatican each day for meetings.

3. Pope John XXIII was known as “Good Pope John.” He was very kind and used to sneak out of the Vatican just to chat with ordinary people in Rome!

Educational Activities for Kids

1. Craft Project: Have kids design a miniature “Vatican City” using cardboard, paints, and other art supplies. Encourage them to research the architecture and layout of the area.

2. Research Activity: Assign children to research more about their local Catholic Church. How did Vatican II affect how things are done now? They can interview a local priest or parish staff.

3. Discussion Board: Initiate open-ended discussions about change, unity, and importance of language, linking these themes to Vatican II. Encourage kids to provide their reflections.


The opening of the Second Vatican Council on October 11, 1962, set a new course for the Catholic Church. Its decisions still resonate today, manifesting in the Church’s stance on biblical interpretation, clerical celibacy, religious liberty, and ecumenism. The council underlines that historical events aren’t confined to their time and place but continue to have profound impacts long after they’ve occurred.


1. Alberigo, G., & Sherry, P. (1995). A Brief History of Vatican II. Orbis Books.

2. O’Malley, J. W. (2010). What Happened at Vatican II. Harvard University Press.

3. Vatican Council II (1962–1965). 14 Sessions. (2016). In J. Komonchak (Ed.), The Dictionary of the Council. Paulist Press.

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One Comment:

  • Jerry

    October 12, 2023 / at 1:20 am

    I’m more interested in church history now that i have grown older. Thank you.

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